Friday 27 March 2009

I've once again been really rubbish at updating, theres been a load of stuff going on and I've spent little time online (and when I have I've been too lazy). First things first, my grandfather passed away early Sunday morning, so it's been a really emotional week, which was unbelievably hard because I had to sandwich it between a £500 and a £1500 which I couldn't unregister from or anything. Now they're done and dusted I can take a week or so (before SCOOP starts) and be with my family. The Guardian wrote a really nice obituary

I've been thinking a lot about the future recently, I'm certain I don't want to be grinding 5/10 or something equally depressing when I'm 40, so I've created a figure which I want to reach then I can finish with poker and go back to school. If I reach my figure and I either decide that the amount of money wasn't as much as I think it is now or I'm not yet bored with poker then I'll just put my whole roll into savings and become 100% staked. Even if none of this ever happens, it feels so much better to have a plan to be working towards rather than just 'tearing shit up 5 days a week'.

I've continued my trend of running like ass in tournaments but being 100% golden in cash, I shorted abit of 5/10NL at the Vic on sunday and won like £2k and have won £2.5k at the international playing PLO basically because im about 8 and 2 on huge set vs wrap+FD flips. I'm aware that I will not run this good forever but at some point I will start winning flips deep in online mtts.

I played a few GUKPT London events, busting in lv2 of the £500 PLO, losing an 18 card wrap vs an overpair and a flushdraw in a 3 bet pot (I do lose PLO flips sometimes), and I busted late last night in the £1500 main event, eventually getting it in with QQ vs KK. Kind of nice that in both spots it's all super standard and I don't need to sweat how I played too hard.

So i suspect I shall be off to sunny Kent for a few days for the funeral, and then i'll relax on Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday is my dear Mothers birthday, and then the Spring Championship of Online Poker begins on Pokerstars on Thursday, so expect lots of blogging, I'm probably going to stay clear of the High Stakes events, just playing almost all of the low and medium ones.

Once again thank you to everyone who's been there when I've needed to talk about my Grandfather (Amy and Poppy again especially), your love and support has been really appreciated.

1 comment:

Duncan said...

Lasy day of my holiday and I'm spending some time online. Did a google search for the blog but it didn't come up. Found the link with a bit more effort and enjoyed reading it again. I always found it nice to be told that content was read so I guess I'm following through with that.

Very esoteric blog but enjoyable nonetheless.